Overwater Protection
Harbor, Port, and Coastal Security Radar suited for fixed and mobile applications.
Waterside Threats
From major ports to high-value property assets, the increase of land, water, and aerial threats are a growing concern around the world.

Coastal Security Applications
Spotter radar series are currently used for seaport security surveillance around the world. Spotter can be part of a layered approach using a camera, radar, fence line, and VMS systems that monitor small vessels, people, vehicles, drones, boats, and large ships in maritime environments.
Spotter Global Overwater Applications:
- Inlets & Water Channels
- Sea Ports
- Dams
- Fish Farms
- Dockside
- Harbors
- Bridges
- High-Value Assets
Maritime Radar Advantages
All-weather conditions that can withstand hurricane-force winds
- IP67 Rating
- Low power requirements
- Ability to be solar-powered
- Can easily adjust for changing water levels
- SPOTTERai Artificial Intelligence can classify small boats, medium boats, large boats, birds, drones, and people
- Cover more area with fewer sensors which save costs
- Slew to cue integration with cameras and deterrents
- Integration with existing VMS systems