Create Smart Alarms
Filters make NetworkedIO a powerful tool for reducing nuisance alarms and targeting specific behaviors.
To illustrate the power of filters, consider an example of a remote oil plant without a perimeter fence or barrier. During the day vehicles are expected to be traveling to the site, pedestrian traffic is expected in and around the site but not approaching the site. Any traffic in or around the site at night is abnormal and should trigger an alert.
With a simple zone-based alert system, operators have to manually assess all alarms (alarms created by normal activity). With filters, we can create rules to automatically filter out normal day-to-day activities while maintaining a watchful eye for the abnormal.

Filtering by Target Type
SPOTTERai is pre-programmed into the NIO system, with AI and Machine Learning controls for identifying and classifying targets in real-time. For example, filtering out birds on a counter-drone system is important at an airport or critical infrastructure facility. SPOTTERai offers confidence in the control of false alarms and mitigates costly errors due to nuisance alarms.
Filters Reduce Alarms
Filter by Classification | Zone | Speed | Distance | Duration | Elevation | Approach